Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Today classes was an improvement, what a wonder some planning and preparation could do for a class. Guess I need to do it more often. The multimedia project is getting a go... but I really wonder if the kids can pulled it. Terrible news about the timetable though, still no confirmation so it stays for now. And next week marks the first school event, the cross country.

And a Happy Chinese New Year to all...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

And it continued...

So it's another day at school. Man, I'm starting to grow fatigued at the students already. As much as I would like to go with much guts and gusto, I'm also wary of the schedule shuffle taking place soon. I might not be teaching the same thing as what I'm doing now. The same feeling is shared among the new teachers though. Tomorrow is the first time I'll be meeting the form 4 and it's going to be the same subject I'll be making a exam paper for the first time...

Meanwhile, the multimedia project seems to be getting steam while I warned them of the short timeline. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to give them some of the sample that I have though. Might give them some perks or something.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Second Day

As much as I would like to say things have improved, I do think I'm slipping a bit more. One thing that I noticed though, I really need to do some preparation before class... Most of the time I was doing everything ad hoc. Now I have another subject to teach and also an exam paper to be submitted tomorrow.

On the plus side, one of the new teachers was asked to help with a multimedia project. Since she deals mostly on coding parts, she thought I could help her. This kinda things really pumped up my blood, so I agreed to help her and the students as much as possible. We'll see how far does this go...

Friday, February 1, 2008

And here endeth the first lesson...

Today was my first day in school. Only this time, I was a teacher. The day began interesting enough with the weather being cloudy after last night's some drizzle (I would know as I was only half asleep last night thinking of my first day at school again. Anyway the usual Friday Yassin recital was canceled and I had some extra time to prepare for my classes. The morn also brought the other substitute teachers too. Out of 8 teachers that was requested, about five arrived, much to the delights of the Penolong Kanan. Penang is really such a small place, one substitute teacher is now working along some of the teachers that used to teach her. Another teacher actually came from my kampung. Small world indeed.

However, my first class was a huge let down, more than half of the class was absent because they were called off to the hall for some kind of briefing or the sort. My second class was better with only a handful of students were absent and I could get the ball rolling with them. My third class was better with the students were a sporty lot and volunteered to answer question. However, they do seem to like to scream, shout and make a lot of fuss though... Something that needs to be rectified sooner than later.

Anyway, things went smoother than I anticipated and I managed some good data too. From the Mosque to the bus stop (plus some time use to eat delicious Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin) is around 45 minutes. Bus stop to the Jetty bus terminal is another 45 minutes and another 30 minutes from Jetty to my house. A two hours trek... reminds me of my KL days....